Mini Countryman: A Little Bit Bigger™

"A Little Bit Bigger" Mini Countryman

Creative, Campaign, Advertising

Mini Countryman: A Little Bit Bigger™

The One Club, Integrated Campaign

Client: Mini x BSSP

Brief: Bring awareness to the new Mini Countryman: The Bigger Mini.

Idea: In 2010, the Mini Countryman grew: 1′ 4.5″ to be exact. So here at Mini, we decided to own everything A Little Bit Bigger.™

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Credits: Miri Li x Rawan Abdulmajeed,Mary Wish,Dany Gottsta


Winner x The One Club Creative Boot Camp, 2013

Mini wrote an open letter to Apple thanking them for following their lead.

Mini also decided to infiltrate an Apple store with a guerrilla tactic.

Mini wrote an open letter to Starbucks for getting a little too big.

Mini wrote an open letter to Nike for not caring about a little bit bigger.

Ambient AD: Designed a “”pull-out” edge post for the bus shelter

Print Ad: Designed pull-out edge print ad for the managzines.

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