Event Planning with AD2SF

AD2SF is the San Francisco chapter of AAF, an advertising organization focused on young professionals in the advertising industry.

I’ve been leading the creative direction within AD2SF since 2017. We have produced many successful events in San Francisco including “32 Under 32” and “Women in Advertising”

"Women in Advertising"

2018 Showcase

Women in Advertising Event, for a 2017 retrospective, 2018 prospective discussion about achieving gender parity in advertising. We were excited to partner with our host Digitas San Francisco, and had an amazing line-up of speakers.

The event was completely sold out by way of effective event content planning and social media strategy. A full house of San Francisco advertising professionals participated in our vibrant showcase and presentation featuring three guest speakers.

Social Media Promo

"32 under 32"

AD2SF’s goal is to recognize Bay Area-based advertising, marketing and communications professionals who have made an impact in San Francisco’s advertising industry.

We announced 32 winners of “32 under 32” at the event.

“SF Egotist”, a local press organization, participated in promoting and interviewing the winners. link

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