Wells Fargo’s Lunar Calendar “The Year of the Dog”

“The Year of the Dog” 

Brief: In honor of the 2018 Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dog, Wells Fargo wanted to create a Lunar New Year Calendar to celebrate.

We used the dog to represent that symbiotic connection with nature by bringing to life the interaction of each solar term. Using a minimalistic, Zen artistic style we featured 12 different dogs in various natural surroundings. While many people from countries under the lunar calendar system (China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan) are aware of these solar terms, we were able to remind them and educate others about their great cultural history. It was a great opportunity for Wells Fargo to celebrate Chinese culture in an enlightening and engaging way.
Role: Art Director / Project lead
Description: I took the lead on the Wells Fargo 2018 Chinese New Year Project, which included a Chinese New Year Parade float design, a coin Bank design, and a Luna calendar. During the process, I worked closely with the artists, creative team, and account team. I played a critical role from conception and art direction to presenting and direct communication with the client.

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